Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's a Beautiful Day

Shit. I have not written in forever... So I'll start again :) I would just like to say on this soggy, cloudy afternoon that I cannot stop smiling inside and out. Lately I've been reading a lot about spirituality and happiness and I am doing things that make me feel really good inside. Isn't that our objective in life? To find a pure state of happiness and keep it? Sure we have those moments of grieving or anger but it's up to us to go through it and come back out a happy person... if that's what we want which I'm sure it is.

I used to get to uptight about the most unimportant things... "so and so doesn't like me," "oh God... I look like a beached whale," "I'm coming back to an empty home again," "I have no one who cares about me." These thoughts are so ridiculous looking back at them. Who cares if a guy doesn't like me!? I live in a small city and there are thousands of men all over the world. Maybe my guy isn't in this city so I can be patient! So what if I gain a couple pounds once in awhile... I can work it off dancing salsa with my friends! And even though I'm coming to an empty home, it doesn't mean my life is empty. I do have wonderful friends and parents who love me and they care about me. I should pick up the phone and talk to them. Thoughts can always be turned around but sometimes I guess you have to find that strength to turn them. Not only that, but I have really learned in these last couple months to look around and be grateful. Those "problems" are nothing compared to other people in the world. I have a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, food in the fridge, I can turn up the heat in my apartment when it gets too cold... I am so lucky. My parents are alive and well and I know if something were to happen to me I would have friends to make sure I was doing alright.

Life is beautiful. And on this soggy, cloudy afternoon all I see is sunshine pouring through my windows.


  1. Love this!
    So true-- most of the time as humans we tend to focus on what we don't have and what our life lacks instead of being grateful for what we have-- By enjoying what we do have and focusing on the more positive aspects of our lives and dreaming of what we want in life we achieve that and more. Your thoughts cause your feelings, happy thoughts attract happy feelings by shifting your awareness you improve your life and state of being :-) take care and keep writing!

    Lorena and Zizou

  2. Great positive attitude. Life is much deeper than the little things we stress about(we have WAY more things to be grateful of)
